Back in 2015, there were many people who were convinced by the various “blood moons” books (which sold millions of copies) that Jesus was coming back in September of that year. Obviously, that didn’t happen.
A few weeks later, Bethel’s Kris Vallaton posted what he called “My 8 Eschatological Core Values” on his blog. Since we’re experiencing another wave of end-times fever right now, I thought it a good time to revisit them. Here they are:
1. I will not embrace an end-time worldview that re-empowers a disempowered devil.
2. I will not accept an eschatology that takes away my children’s future, and creates mindsets that undermine the mentality of leaving a legacy.
3. I will not tolerate any theology that sabotages the clear command of Jesus to make disciples of all nations and the Lord’s Prayer that earth would be like heaven.
4. I will not allow any interpretation of the scriptures that destroys hope for the nations and undermines our command to restore ruined cities.
5. I will not embrace an eschatology that changes the nature of a good God.
6. I refuse to embrace any mindset that celebrates bad news as a sign of the times and a necessary requirement for the return of Jesus.
7. I am opposed to any doctrinal position that pushes the promises of God into a time zone that can’t be obtained in my generation and therefore takes away any responsibility I have to believe God for them in my lifetime.
8. I don’t believe that the last days are a time of judgment, nor do I believe God gave the church the right to call for wrath for sinful cities. There is a day of judgment in which GOD will judge man, not us.